Power-Safe is a granulation absorption agent, which is intended for both everyday and professional use – especially regarding the absorption of harmful or dangerous substances, chemicals and oils.

Power-safe works by absorbing and changing the aggregate state of the liquid to solid when the granulate comes into contact with it.

The use of Power-safe can be intended for every household in terms of everyday use, but as far as professional use is concerned, it can be applied in a wide range of industries – chemical industry, refineries, pharmaceutical industry, food processing industry, transport of dangerous substances, etc.


The competitive advantages of Power-safe are:


High absorption quotient in relation to its weight – one kilogram absorbs up to seventy-five times its weight.


Addition of an indicator that enables the classification of acids and bases.


Non-flammable, non-explosive, non-electrostatic and highly resistant to impact forces.


Useful for absorbing more than two thousand chemicals.


Useful for limiting the spillage of dangerous substances – as its inorganic composition forms a compact and impermeable formation.


Preventing the spread of potentially dangerous gases with a suffocation system.



Non-poisonous and non-toxic.